On a Day When the World Has Its Way With Me
Like every other day, today
it is apparent that only love
will save us. Not in the grandiose
abstract way, but in the alarming
specific way. As in forgiveness, now.
As in choosing to hug instead
of fighting back. As in taking
three deep breaths before saying
something we regret. It saves us
from thirsting in the desert of our lives,
but only if we save it first by
choosing it, now in this moment
of angry words, now in this moment
of clenched thoughts, now in
this moment when we’d rather
taste venom but instead, we
pour love into our cup and
bring it to our lips and drink
and drink until once again
it is only love that makes sense,
only love that refills the cup.
~ Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer